We follow the way of JESUS
in Ann Arbor.

Be with Jesus. Become like Jesus. Do what Jesus did.

We exist to make JESUS known in our city, our nation, and the nations of the world. We desire to see sons & daughters transformed by His presence (Psalm 1), follow the way of Jesus, and be kingdom carriers - that we would see Him bind up the brokenhearted, give hope to the hopeless, and restore our city for His glory, standing as oaks of righteousness (Isaiah 61). Our dream is that as we order ourselves around Jesus, our lives and our city will be transformed.

Join us Sundays in
Ann Arbor at 10 am.

We gather every Sunday to worship Jesus, be transformed to be more like Him, and to fellowship in community.

A letter from our pastors…

We love our city and region!
Born and raised in Michigan, we spent a decade in San Francisco in our 20’s and felt led to come back to MI in 2015.  We landed in Ann Arbor after being drawn to this beautiful city and its culture, where John attended UofM.  We are Michigan fans through and through, and we are raising our kids to be as well.  We want to be a part of Jesus invitation to see His kingdom come right here where he has us planted. 

We have a high value on seeing people become more like Jesus.
God's kingdom is to be sought by those who give their lives to love and follow the way of Jesus.  That's why in addition to gathering on Sundays, we believe the church body best flourishes through individual relationship with Jesus, discipleship, and gathering house to house.   As a church community, we desire to see one another transformed more into the likeness of Jesus.

Sharing the love of Jesus.
God loves the people we engage with everyday, and more and more the people around us are continually impacted by various forms of cultural, social, and personal struggles. Jesus has always been and will always be the answer to the growing issues of the day.  We believe it is important to love and seek the welfare (Jer. 29:7) of the city we are planted in.  As we become more like Jesus, we are invited to carry his kingdom to those he's called us to (Acts 1:8). In the midst of an ever changing culture, we seek to follow the way of Jesus - to be with Him, become like Him, and do what He did.

We hope you come and visit us soon!

Blessings -

Pastors John & Jami